










2005/09-2010/06 红宝石hbs最新网站hbs123,博士

Ph.D. College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University

2001/09-2005/06 华中师范大学红宝石hbs最新网站hbs123,学士

B.S. School of Life Sciences, Central China Normal University


2014/12-至今 红宝石hbs最新网站hbs123,副教授

Associate Professor; College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University

2015/02-2016/02 加拿大卡尔加里大学生物科学系,访问学者

Visiting Scientist; Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary

2010/11-2014/11 红宝石hbs最新网站hbs123,讲师

Lecturer; College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University

2010/07-2012/06 红宝石hbs最新网站hbs123化学与分子科学学院,博士后

Post-doctoral Research Fellow; College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences,

Wuhan University


















2021/09-至今 热带亚热带植物学报,编委

2018/09-至今 Functional Diversity, Editorial Board Member





My research interests focused on (1) floral microbiome influences plant-pollinator interactions, (2) DNA barcoding of pollination networks in diverse ecosystems, and (3) genomic and ecological adaptations of seed plants.


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2020-2023):是敌是友?食花者与微生物在西南鸢尾虫媒传粉中的作用,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2017-2020):微生物在裸子植物小叶买麻藤虫媒传粉中的生态功能研究,主持

[3] 深圳市科技创新委员会技术攻关项目(2014-2017):买麻藤科植物基因组学系统研究,课题骨干

[4] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(2012-2014):高山植物群落传粉系统的时空变异研究,主持

[5] 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(2011-2012):神农架植物群落传粉系统的基本属性和时空动态,主持


1. Yang M#, Wan T#, Dai C, Zou CX, Liu F,Gong YB*. 2021. Modern honeybees disrupt the pollination of an ancient gymnosperm, Gnetum luofuense.Ecology, doi: 10.1002/ecy.3497. (reported by NewScientist)

2. Wan T#, Liu ZM#, Leitch IJ#, Xin HP#, Maggs-Kolling G#,Gong YB#, Li Z, Marais E, Liao YY, Dai C, Liu F, Wu QJ, Song C, Zhou YD, Huang WC, Jiang K, Wang Q, Yang Y, Zhong ZX, Yang M, Yan X, Hu GW, Hou C, Su YJ, Feng SX, Yang J, Yan JJ, Chu JF, Chen F, Ran JH, Wang XQ*, Van de Peer Y*, Leitch AR*, Wang QF*. 2021. The Welwitschia genome reveals a unique biology underpinning extreme longevity in deserts.Nature Communications, 12: 4247.

3. 邹晓春,龚燕兵*. 2021. 传粉者友好型城市:现状与展望.生物资源, 已接收.

4. 张伟, 何承斌,龚燕兵*. 2019. 鸢尾属植物的传粉者吸引及异交策略.植物科学学报, 37: 672-681.

5. Yang M, Deng GC,Gong YB*, Huang SQ*. 2019. Nectar yeasts enhance the interaction between Clematis akebioides and its bumblebee pollinator.Plant Biology,31: 272-279.

6. Zhu YR, Yang M, Vamosi JC, Armbruster WS, Wan T,Gong YB*. 2017. Feed the enemy: loss of nectar and nectaries to herbivores reduces tepal damage and increases pollinator attraction in Iris bylleyana.Biology Letters, 13: 20170271. (reported by ScienceDaily, Science Newsline, News & Stars, etc.)

7. 朱亚如,龚燕兵*. 2017. 风媒传粉的研究方法探讨.生物多样性, 25: 864-873.

8.Gong YB*, Yang M, Vamosi JC, Yang HM, Mu WX, Li JK, Wan T*. 2016. Wind or insect pollination? Ambophily in a subtropical gymnosperm Gnetum parvifolium (Gnetales).Plant Species Biology, 31: 272-279.

9.Gong YB, Huang SQ*. 2014. Interspecific variation in pollen-ovule ratio is negatively correlated with pollen transfer efficiency in a natural community.Plant Biology, 16: 843-847.

10.Gong YB, Huang SQ*. 2011. Temporal stability of pollinator preference in an alpine community and its implications for evolution of floral traits.Oecologia, 166: 671-680.

11.Gong YB, Huang SQ*. 2009. Floral symmetry: pollinator-mediated stabilizing selection on flower size in bilateral species.Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276: 4013-4020.

12.龚燕兵, 黄双全*. 2007. 传粉昆虫行为的研究方法探讨.生物多样性, 15: 576-583.

13.龚燕兵, 于天宝, 刘胜祥*. 2004. 武汉市马鞍山森林公园药用植物资源调查.湖北林业科技, 3: 30-33.


1. Dai C, Chen Q, Wan T, Liu F,Gong YB, Wang QF*. 2021. Literary runaway: Increasingly more references cited per academic research article from 1980 to 2019.Plos One, 16: e0255849.

2. Ling X, Zhang YZ, Cao Y, Wan T,Gong YB, Dai C, Ochieng WA, Nasimiyu AT, Li W, Liu F. 2020. Glutamate dehydrogenase plays an important role in ammonium detoxification by submerged macrophytes.Science of The Total Environment, 722: 137859.

3. Dai C, Luo WJ,Gong YB, Liu F, Wang ZX. 2018. Resource reallocation patterns within Sagittaria trifolia inflorescences following differential pollination.American Journal of Botany, 105: 803-811.

4. Wan T, Liu ZM, Li LF, Leitch AR, Leitch IJ, Lohaus R, Liu ZJ, Xin HP,Gong YB, Liu Y et al. 2018. A genome for gnetophytes and early evolution of seed plants.Nature Plants, 4: 82-89.

5. Vamosi JC,Gong YB, Adamowicz SJ, Packer L. 2017. Advances in understanding pollination systems and the stability of ecosystem function through metabarcoding.New Phytologist, 214: 11-18.

6. Li JK, Xu H, Song YP, Tang LL,Gong YB, Yu RL, Shen L, Wu XL, Liu YD, Zeng WM. 2016. Geography plays a more important role than soil composition on structuring genetic variation of pseudometallophyte Commelina communis.Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: 1085.

7. Armbruster WS,Gong YB, Huang SQ. 2011. Are pollination “syndromes” predictive? Asian Dalechampia fit neotropical models.The American Naturalist, 178: 135-143.

8. Sun JF,Gong YB, Renner SS, Huang SQ. 2008. Multifunctional bracts in the dove tree Davidia involucrata (Nyssaceae: Cornales): rain protection and pollinator attraction.The American Naturalist, 171: 119-124. (reported by Science News)


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职称 副教授,硕士生导师 实验室地址 红宝石hbs最新网站hbs123大楼6113室
联系电话 Email ybgong@whu.edu.cn
入选时间 学科专业 植物学、生态学
研究方向 传粉生物学、生物多样性
